
I know that a lot of articles you have read recently and announcements made by politicians, preachers and protestors is that we, on this little planet somewhere in this mind-blowing solar system, have never experienced so many challenges to our very existence and the continuation of life on this planet.
From choking in plastics to dealing with pandemics, from climate change to the swarming of billions of crop-eating locusts, from the breakdown of social structures as we have known them to anger and violence in our communities as people feel they are not being listened to, it would appear the list of calamities and the challenges they pose are endless. It is fascinating to observe human behaviour and responses at times like this. From the optimistic, who see great opportunities, to the pessimistic who just want things back to some kind of normality.
Our son Steve recently sent me some information concerning people he is connected with who on a global scale see the present global challenges as an opportunity to reset.
Thousands of companies around the world are coming together to say this is the time to reset our thinking and practise on how we amongst other things, put people before profit, stakeholders before shareholders, reset for workers, reset for climate, reset for racial justice, reset for our children, reset for shared wellbeing on a healthy planet.
As I read this information two things went through my mind. Although this is not a ‘Christian’ enterprise there is something of the Kingdom of God running through it. The second thought I had was, in the light of all that is going on around us, what does reset mean for me, for the World Prayer Centre family and for the body of Christ, in fact what does reset mean?
Doctors reset broken bones to enable proper function. We reset our clocks to get the proper time. We reset computers by turning them on and off to get them working again, at times we reset our priorities to bring a better order into our lives.
So, at this incredible time when we can get caught up in frightening headlines, fake news, negative thinking, Satan’s lies that can upset the timing on our spiritual clocks, we as a team are looking at four simple yet important resets we can undertake and we invite you to do the same.
Reset our love for our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Reset our love for our neighbours and brothers and sisters in the body of Christ.
Reset our belief in the truths and endurance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Reset our belief and hope in the coming again of our Saviour Christ the Lord.

You may have other resets. Do let us know and we shall journey with you in these amazing days of opportunity, remembering that whatever happens on earth, there is no panic in heaven.

Ian Cole is the Founder of the World Prayer Centre Birmingham.

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