I'm New

Discovering & Meeting with Jesus

I want to know jesus

We are called into a life of personal relationship with Jesus. He gave his life for the sins of the world. Take that first step today.

We can come to a stage in life when we ask, “What is life all about”? We can be searching for the meaning of life. You may have come to a crossroads today and decided that you want to know more about this Jesus that died over 2000 years ago but still impacts our world today!

There are 4 things you need to know

If you would like to follow Jesus, all you need to do is pray the simple prayer below. If you prayed it for the first time, we encourage you to complete the short form below and one of our team will be in touch.

Dear God, Thank you that you love me and have a good plan and purpose for my life. I’m sorry for ignoring you and doing things my way. I realise now that my sin has hurt you and the people around me, and for this I’m truly sorry. Thank you Jesus that you gave your life for me and took the punishment for my sin. Please forgive me and help me now, by the power of your Holy Spirit, as I decide to live only for you. Amen.

Did you pray the prayer and commit your life to Jesus? Let us know! We’d love to connect with you on your journey.

Get Connected

No one who follows Jesus walks alone. You become part of a family of believers, right across the world.

There are many ways to get connected and we encourage you to find a local church that you find is comfortable for you. There are many expressions of church as well as many organisations that can help you as you start your journey with Jesus and develop and grow your prayer life.

You can join our online prayer group on Facebook or find prayer organisations in your area by exploring our prayer connexions page.

What is PRayer?

World Prayer Centre exist to resource and connect people in prayer. 

We want to help you to find ways to pray and worship God.

We’d love to encourage you to open our resources page and explore our ‘How to Pray’ resources and also find some great content and prayer devotionals to help you as you reach out to God in prayer, both privately and corporately.


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW




0121 633 7393