Connecting the isles

Connecting the British Isles


Connecting the Isles has grown out of 20 years of faithful prayer and commitment by many individuals who have walked the journey with each other learned to understand our different identities and prayed God’s healing and God’s purposes into, between and out from each of our nations and islands within the British Isles (Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, England).

Our key distinctive is our unity and our togetherness. We are not aware of any other group that is intentionally and determinedly gathering leaders in each of the British Isles nations and islands together for strategic prayer onsite.

We are a family of nations and believe this togetherness has spiritual authority. One of our key verses is from Zephaniah 3:9 “Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him shoulder to shoulder.”

The main calling/redemptive gift of the British Isles is to be carriers of the gospel – to our own nations, to our continent, and to the world. Each of our nations has a different calling under God to fulfill this mandate.

Connecting the Isles is about the long-term maintenance of relationships between our British Isles nations and islands in order to see this outflow to other nations.

The small core team has been meeting regularly on zoom since April 2020 and hopes to return to in person gatherings working around our different nations each year when that is possible.

We are ‘a family of nations’ and believe this togetherness has spiritual authority. One of our key verses is from Zephaniah 3:9: "Then I will purify the lips of the peoples, that all of them may call on the name of the Lord and serve him shoulder to shoulder"

Our COnnections

Pray For Scotland
Pray for England
Pray for N Ireland
Pray for Republic of Ireland
Pray for Wales


Hope Countryside has developed out of meetings and discussions over the past few years. It is currently a partnership between the World Prayer Centre, Agricultural Christian Fellowship, Village Hope and Top Barn Trust.


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW



0121 633 7393