Following on from our zoom call ‘Healing the Commonwealth‘ in June 2022 and our hybrid ‘Blessing the Commonwealth‘ in July 2022, the planning group (called together by World Prayer Centre team from different nations) sense that the Lord has more for us.
We recognise that God’s purpose for the Commonwealth has not yet been fully realised. Now is the time of blessing and dreaming together.
We think that there will be different strands to our connecting: some may relate to the past and ongoing repentance issues; some may relate to the present and building deep relationships and others more concerned with the future purposes God has in mind.
We are on a journey to identify leaders in the other Commonwealth nations and territories that we have not yet connected with so we can worship, pray and seek God together on zoom calls.
If you can help us in our connecting do please let us know. Email Jane Holloway on prayer@worldprayer.org.uk