Stay connected

Stay connected

Ian Cole shares the final of our four themes for 2024 and encourages us to stay connected.


At the beginning of 2024, the World Prayer Centre felt that God gave us four words to carry through the year; Conform, Confirm, Contend and Connect.

As we thought and prayed into each word, we agreed to encourage ourselves and others through the year, as we considered the importance of each word.

We asked the Holy Spirit to help us as we Conformed more and more to the likeness of Jesus, Confirmed our belief in the Bible, the living word of God and Contended for the Gospel of Jesus Christ and against the powers of darkness that would seek to rob, steal and destroy the Christian message and those who live by them.

The forth word is Connect.  

Every day all of us in one form or another go through the process of connecting, whether through word, action, face to face contact, social media, by phone, and through the media. The very essence of our lives is built on connection through communication in its many forms, spoken word, written and experienced.

The Christian faith is built on the truth that Almighty God created us in His image so that we could worship Him, know Him and daily connect with Him and Him with us. When sin came into the world the connection and the possibility of connection was broken. God the Father sent Christ Jesus His Son, who through His life, death, resurrection and ascension made it possible for every man, woman, boy and girl, through the work of God’s Holy Spirit, to reconnect with God and know His presence 24/7, 365 days a year. WOW!!

No wonder satan, wants to disconnect, separate, and divide families, marriages, communities, nations and especially the church – the body of Christ. Each day, we either experience disconnect or hear of disconnection; through pride, selfishness, greed and at times a developing hatred, what once where strong, beautiful connections of love and friendship are broken and lost, but not necessarily for ever. Our God is a Redeemer.

Again this year, we are a team determined to connect, stay connected and build new connections. Just recently my wife and I went to Vancouver Island to meet up with national prayer leaders from over 30 nations, all members of the International Prayer Council, to pray, worship and strategize as part of the great prayer army that God is raising up across the world. 

For nearly five years due to Covid and personal health issues, my wife and I had not been able to physically meet with our friends. We had a monthly zoom call which was great but now we had the opportunity to have lots of hugs, eye to eye contact, laugh and cry together, in other words real, live and true connection. What a Joy!!

Can we encourage you, that in an increasingly fragmented world, that with God’ help, we make every effort to connect, maintain our connections, build connections and contend with anything or any one who would seek to break those connections and bring division.

There is a beautiful Psalm in the bible (Psalm 133) where the Psalmist talks about the goodness for people who in their day to day connections live together in unity, harmony, oneness and synergy. In that place, God bestows His blessing, even life for evermore. 

Stay connected.

Ian Cole is the founder of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham.

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