Pastor Jonathan Oloyede from the National Day of Prayer and Worship and over a thousand believers and on-lookers gathered in Trafalgar Square in Central London on Saturday for the London Prayer and Worship Festival. The square was full throughout the day with thousands of holiday makers and members of the general public.
Organised by Kingdom Impact Vision International (KIVI), the London Prayer and Worship Festival brought together congregations from many churches across London and other towns and cities in the United Kingdom.
The event which took place for most of the afternoon, was preceded by an evangelistic outreach in the morning.
Noel Robison led worship as well as performances from the Neema Choir from Uganda, the Spanish Community Choir and many others.
Pastor Jonathan led communion in the Square and led the crowd to declare that ‘We are the Temple of God’.
The highlight for many was when the children and young people took to the stage to pray. There were tears and weeping as the children and youth prayed and prophetised over the Nation. Truly out of the mouth of babes God has perfected praise!
In a tweet on social media, Pastor Jonathandeclared “it was great to see the Church doing what it should be – pointing to Jesus!”
This truly was a festival to bring believers together to celebrate the unity of the Body of Christ. Thank you to those who travelled to be with us in Central London.
We have heard stories of many souls being won for the Kingdom. Praise God for those who responded to the prompting of the Holy Spirit on Saturday.
A WhatsApp message from one of the KIVI team said:
Heaven came down and glory filled our souls.
We praise the Name of the Lord for the souls, the healing, the deliverance the inspirational prayers from the children, the tears of the saints.
What a powerful atmosphere ! The fellowship and communion of different denominations coming together as one was glorious.
Great Revival has started in UK . May this great revival of the Holy Spirit spread across Nations in Jesus Name.
Source: NDOPW