As we see unprecedented numbers of people praying and green shoots of young people wanting to know more about Jesus, is God looking to pour out His Spirit again this Pentecost for a harvest of end times souls? We invite you to join us igniting prayer this Pentecost as many prayer initiatives take place around the world with Pentecost 2024, Thy Kingdom Come, In One Accord and the Global Day of Prayer for the Jewish world.
Over 2000 years ago, Jesus’s believers gathered together in a house praying and reading scriptures at Pentecost which changed their lives forever and saw the birth of the early church. God poured out His Holy Spirit and baptised them in fire and a great harvest was experienced as an explosion of converts began following the way of Jesus.
The Jewish Pentecost festival of Shavuot (Festival of Weeks) marked the beginning of the wheat harvest and the first fruits of the harvest were bought into the temple and offered to God. As we see green shoots of God moving in the UK and other parts of the world, we offer them to Him this Pentecost so that we may see an outpouring of His Holy Spirit in young and old, in towns, cities and nations!
Be part of the prayer army

Pentecost 2024 – 10 days of united prayer for revival. Join millions of Christians around the world to pray for revival in our lives, and in 10 unreached Middle Eastern cities and revival in Jerusalem.

Global day of prayer for the Jewish world – 24 hours of global online prayer for revival across Jerusalem, Israel, and the Jewish world, that the same Spirit will bring revival, bridge divides, and fulfil God’s promises to His chosen people.

In One Accord – The National Day of Prayer and Worship has announced plans to encourage every church in the UK and Ireland to turn their Pentecost Church Service on Sunday 19th May into a prayer meeting. Also incorporates a hybrid all night prayer watch.

Thy Kingdom Come – Thy Kingdom Come is a global ecumenical prayer movement that invites Christians around the world to pray from Ascension to Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus.
As millions will be praying around the world this Pentecost, we pray that God will hear and send a fresh baptism of fire, faith and personal encounters with the Sovereign Lord. We have been praying here at World Prayer Centre for many years for revival. We pray that we are born for ‘such a time as this’ to be part of praying for Father’s harvest to come and visit our lands.
Natasha Ruddock is the Communications Manager at the World Prayer Centre and helps her husband to lead Victory Outreach Church in Birmingham.