Japan 1 Million report

Japan 1 Million report

Here’s an update on Japan1million from Marty Woods:

“ Some of our team created a report on Japan1million with new initiatives from our Sports movement.

I’ve never been through a “Season of Prayer” like we experienced over the Games. God, in His providence, helped not just the Church in Japan but over the Olympics, He called the whole globe to pray for this nation. International Prayer Connect helped us link with 4000 prayer networks. It grew a life of its own. 98 countries signed up. Over 112,000 individuals and groups. Officially there was 365,000 hours of “signed-up” prayers, however we are confident over a million hours of “unsigned up” prayer was gifted to Japan.

The youth website www.japan1million.world  connected us globally with Christians under 30. We purchased a reach using Instagram. 101 Countries engaged through a web and social media campaign and we saw 214,000 engagements. There was clicking, liking, commenting or letting us know they are praying and joining in through our website. The campaign reached 3.2 million people.

We were humbled when 23,000 Christians in Afghanistan via Instagram indicated they were praying for Japan despite all they were and are going through. Through Instagram we were introduced to a denomination in The Philippines that committed 100,000 hours of prayer.

A colleague “just so happened” to drop in to a Starbucks in greater Tokyo. Some how he met a young couple committed to their generation being those who will see revival in Japan. How crazy they met in a metropolis of 37 million! The next week they all had lunch together and worked on the Youth Prayer Night.  

It ran on the second last night of the Paralympics. Over the 2 hours young people were challenged to form small groups of prayer cells; 5-7 people praying regularly for Japan. Across screens, spontaneously, hands rose to commit. Everywhere, willing hearts saying yes to God and to prayer. The final night, as the Paralympics finished, over 200 joined in the global celebration and prayer night. A Japanese Pastor, Akira Mori, shared a dream of small prayer groups, everywhere; little fires igniting one another and becoming one fire burning across Japan. “For many years I have been desiring it. I believe it now. All this is about Jesus. The nations belong to Him. Keep the faith and pray.”

Japanese Christians are amazed and profoundly thankful that hundreds of thousands committed to pray for Japan. Their faith is rising. I heard the quote, “God takes a long time to act suddenly.” There is a “suddenness” about what is happening. Christians across Japan and the world stepping up to pray. 
How privileged to have been part of the greatest movement of united prayer for Japan. We believe it will help reach Japan for Christ. Greater unity and more prayer will be the legacy of Japan1million. 

Praying for Japan

  • Pray for momentum and acceleration. Paul prays that “The Master’s Word will simply take off and race through the country to a groundswell of response.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1
  • Pray for supernatural breakthroughs and multiplying of praying networks. Our goal in the Sports movement remains 500 city teams by 2024 reaching out to 1 million people.
  • Pray the fire of the Holy Spirit falls upon Japan. May it lead to unity and the Kingdom growing. A tsunami of the Holy Spirit’s work leading to transformation.

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