I just wanted to share a short testimony of how God has healed my heart and given me a new one! For some time my heart has been sick spiritually. Nobody would have necessarily known from the outside but I had lost my passion for prayer, worship, and ministry. I felt numb on the inside.A couple of weeks ago I went to our church women’s retreat in Holland and I was at the altar before the first session and I ask the Lord to do a miracle in my heart. I was sick of coming to the altar and asking for my heart to be changed. As the main speaker came up, she said that she had asked the Lord what to speak about and he had said the heart! I knew that God was up to something and the message was for me. At the altar call, so many of us went to the altar and cried out to God. I told the Lord that I was not leaving until I had a new heart. That night, the Lord turned my heart of stone into a heart of flesh. He gave me a new heart just like King Saul!
Since then, my life has changed. I am so hungry for more of God. I am rising early to spend time with my heavenly Dad. The rivers of living water are beginning to flow again. I am having to learn again how to cultivate my heart. I am not going back to that place anymore. My heart is free!
You may be reading this and think… that is me! I just want to encourage you today. He can heal your heart and even give you a new one! Don’t give up on God. He never gives up on us. And keep pressing through. If God has you in that place it is for a season. You will come through and I pray He will give you a heart that hungers and thirsts for the things of God.

Atheist Richard Dawkins identifies as ‘cultural Christian’
This is an answer to prayer! For many years we have been praying for atheists to have a change of heart and