Conformed in His image

Conformed in His image

For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. Romans 8:29

Those who read the Christian press or who keep an eye on what’s happening in the wider church, nationally or internationally, will be aware that scandal is never far away. Well known and often highly respected leaders are accused, sometimes falsely, of a range of failures, unrighteousness or criminality. Not surprising since the Lord did promise persecution, and scripture tells us that everything is being shaken, and that His judgement always begins with the household of faith. (Heb12:26-27; 1Pet 4:17)

But perhaps what should concern us are the reports we hear of those who declare that, on the basis of the sin or failure of leaders or ministries, they are turning their backs on their faith! The Bible is brutally honest about the sins and failures of even the greatest men of faith; Abraham, Moses, David and Peter spring to mind, but throughout scripture we are called to faith in God, not in those He raises up to lead His people for a season, or in the structures they create.

In these days of celebrity culture when many follow and seek to conform to the likeness of their particular hero, have we inadvertently or even unintentionally fallen into the trap of promoting the messenger rather than the man Christ Jesus. 

Perhaps as we launch into another year it’s worth a look to see if our aim is to be conformed to “Christ alone” or on someone or something else that has the potential of being shaken? Let’s also pray that those affected by such shaking will stand firm.

Colin Greaves, along with his wife Chrissie, is the Northern representatives for World Prayer Centre.

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