Climate Change and the purposes of God

Climate Change and the purposes of God

‘Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the heavens’ (1). ‘Praise the Lord from the earth’ (7)…’kings of the earth and all nations, you princes and all rulers on earth, young men and maidens, old men and children’ (11-12)… Let them praise the name of the Lord (13)

Psalm 148

In the past few months, WPC has been asking the Lord what we need to understand, and how to pray into and about the important issue of climate change as the date of the UN COP26 approaches. The issues are complex and are proving to be divisive within the body of Christ and in society and many nations. A wonderful relational unity has been developing between a number of organisations and networks in Glasgow, Scotland and across the UK, all with their different foci, to enable teaching to be accessed,  prayer and worship mobilised so that we see God’s purposes and plans are delivered in the run up to, during and beyond the UN Climate Change conference 2021 (COP26) taking place in Glasgow from 31 Oct – 12 Nov 2021.

What is the Word of the Lord for COP26?

We have asked Peter Carruthers to offer his reflections and insights to help us as we pray to see His will be done and His Kingdom come.  Read Peter Carruthers article.

Join us in praying: We are partnering with Pray for Scotland and YWAM

11-31 October:  Pray for Scotland are issuing daily prayer prompt  Sign up here to receive  

30 October: Day of Humility:   A day to humble ourselves, fast (for those led to) and seek God’s face before the conference starts. Link HERE.

 31 October-12 November: daily prayer updates, midday prayer globally, 6pm zooms – YWAM COP26 – An exploration of how God cares for his creation and our mandate to care about it too. We are all working to see a canopy of praise and worship across our UK nations with churches, houses of prayer, individuals, groups, organisations taking part linking with those in Glasgow.  Open invitation to anyone – just pick a date and time and plan to join in!

Join our World Prayer Centre zooms:  click graphics below

Understand more about climate change

We have greatly benefitted from linking with YWAM COP26 Outreach team and recommend Ben Richards explaining COP26, climate change and the role of intercession in this 1 hour talk:

More to explore

Joy in a Troubled World

Ian Cole from the World Prayer Centre shares about the joy of the Lord and how it is our answer in troubled

Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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