The latest results released from the 2021 census show that for the first time, less than half the population of England and Wales would describe themselves as Christian, and in Wales, more would class themselves as having no religion than being Christian.

Danny Webster from the Evangelical Alliance UK asks “how should Christians respond to these findings, is it a cause for concern, and what does it mean for Christianity in public life?” See his article below
2021 Census: Christianity can flourish in the margins of society – Evangelical Alliance (
He concludes with two urgent tasks from his perspective as part of their advocacy team:
“First, there is the permanent task to make Jesus known, we want people to follow Jesus, we want more people to describe themselves as Christians because their identity has been transformed by Christ “.
To which we would say a loud Amen and continue to encourage every Christian everywhere to pray for those they know that don’t yet know Jesus. You can start by praying for five friends.
“Second, we need to continue to advocate for the positive influence of Christianity in public life”.
To which we would say a loud Amen and urge Christians to pray for our leaders – local, regional and national to reflect our Father’s desire for justice. “Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, and please the widow’s cause,” Isaiah 1.17
Thirdly, we want to commit to praying for a spiritual awakening across our lands. Let us pray for spiritual eyes to be opened and fresh eyes to see for those that are blinded. Invite Holy Spirit to move across our villages, towns and cities and revive our spirit!