REVIVE 25 – Preparing in faith for revival
As we move into 2025, there is a growing need for a spiritual awakening or revival, in us, our churches, our communities, and our nations. We know from our history that true revival or spiritual awakening comes from God in answer to the prayers and longings of His people. There is no human formula that […]
What’s your prayer this Christmas?
Do you pray? A Tearfund survey showed that 51% of UK adults pray, and 20% pray regularly. Women are more likely to pray than men and most people pray about friends and family, the sick and to give thanks. Even those that have no religious affiliation pray most often in times of personal crisis or tragedy, to gain […]
Stand in the Gap 2024
“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it….” [Ezek 22:30] Pray for Scotland are inviting you to join in whenever you can over the 72 hours 28th to 30th November, by going […]
A Prophetic Christmas Gift
My wife, Pauline, and I enjoy singing and listening to the hymns we used to sing in our church a long time ago. To our amazement, we can often remember all the words as well as the tune. We realise some were a bit iffy but many had great theological truths. Here is the chorus […]
Global prayer watch update – Nov24
It is always a privilege to gather as believers to pray for what is on God’s heart. Many joined us from across the UK and other nations for our last global prayer watch as we worshipped together and prayed in our zoom prayer rooms. We prayed for the Europe Crosswalk, the US election results and for nations […]
Building a momentum of revival prayer
In the early to mid-1980’s, several Christians from various church backgrounds and Christian agencies came together to pray for the UK city of Birmingham. Through prophetic words, and under the leading of the Holy Spirit, the ministry grew into ‘Pray for the Nation’ and eventually under the banner of ‘Pray for Revival’. Out of PFR, […]
Is this the start of a global wave of revival?
Celebrate all that God has done around the world so far in 2024! Jason Hubbard the President of the International Prayer Council shares an amazing praise report of all that has taken place. Find out more at
Protect your mind from negativity
When we look at the world, there is so much negativity. Natasha Ruddock shares how it is important to protect our minds in this season. The other morning, I was waiting with some time on my hands so I thought I would check what is happening in the news. I scrolled through and it […]
Germany UK Bridge update
Thank you to those praying for the recent meeting! We had a wonderful gathering of the German UK prayer bridge teams from both our nations in Coventry 19-21 September. We had chosen Coventry because of its calling to minister in and release reconciliation. Coventry House of Prayer hosted us in central Coventry and Paul Critchley […]
Yom Kippur and the scarlet thread
One for Israel shares about the three of redemption throughout the bible. The so-called “scarlet thread” of redemption runs throughout the Bible—from the wrist of Judah’s son to Rahab’s rope… it’s there woven into priestly garments and throughout the textiles in the tabernacle—a consistent clue about the Messiah. But did you know that the scarlet thread runs […]