Prayer Connexions

Connecting Prayer Across England


Prayer Connexions – England is a relational network of leaders with a heart for prayer drawn from churches, cities, towns, villages, counties, and sectors of society that was started 30 years ago, through the work of Brian Mills and others at the Evangelical Alliance UK. It is currently networked through Jane Holloway at the World Prayer Centre. This network also includes many different expressions of ‘houses of prayer’. 

To find out more information email Jane on

Church Streams

Catholic Charismatic Network
Churches Together in England
Elim Prayer Network
Ichthus Christian Fellowship
Methodist Evangelicals Together
The Salvation Army


Cambridge House of Prayer
City of London House of Prayer
Cornwall House of Prayer
Coventry House of Prayer
Local Houses of Prayer Fyald y Brenin
Manchester HOP
New Forest House of Prayer
North Devon House of Prayer
Rugby House of Prayer
Shekinah Christian Centre
St Cuthberts House of Prayer
Stoke on Trent Beacon HOP
Sunderland: House of Prayer Europe
Warrington House of Prayer
Wings Prayer House

Geographical Networks

Connexions Area Filter
(Isle of) Wight Church Network
Ashburnham Christian Trust
Bringing Hope
Cambridge House of Prayer
Canterbury Cityspace
Capstone Church
Chaplaincy Plus
Chester Link Up
Churches Together in Plymouth
City of London House of Prayer
Community Watchman Ministries
Cornwall House of Prayer
Cornwall Prayer Initiative
Coventry House of Prayer
Cumbria Prayer Network
Derby City Vision
Hastings & St Leonards prayer rooms
Heart to Heart Ministries
House of Bread Warwickshire
Ipswich in Prayer
Kingdom Advance Ministries
Lancashire house of prayer
Lighthouse Norwich
London Prayer Room
Love Black Country
Manchester HOP
New Forest House of Prayer
North Devon House of Prayer
Nottingham 168 hours
Nottingham Prayer Network
Oxford Prayer Room
Partnerships in Strategic Prayer
Portsmouth House of Prayer
Pray Haringey
Prayer for St Helens
Redruth The Engine Room
Rugby House of Prayer
Saltbox, Stoke on Trent
Shekinah Christian Centre
Shropshire Hope
Sidmouth Prayer Room
Speak Life, Eastbourne
St Cuthberts House of Prayer
Stoke on Trent Beacon HOP
Sunderland: House of Prayer Europe
Transform Newham
Transformation Thurrock
Urban Abbey Nottingham
Urban Devotion Birmingham
Warrington House of Prayer
Wings Prayer House
World Prayer Centre

Areas of Society

Connexions Society Filter
Christians in Government
Gather Network/Movement Day UK
Great Commission
Hope Countryside
HOPE Together
Local Houses of Prayer Fyald y Brenin
Neighbourhood Prayer Network
One Voice Prayer
Pray for Schools
Prayer Alert
Prayer Magazine
Prayer Spaces in Schools
The Message Trust
The Turning
Try Praying
Turning the Tide
Youth for Christ


24-7 Prayer International
Aglow International
Armed Forces Christian Union
ASK Network
Burn 24-7
Christian International Europe
Concert of Prayer
Crown Jesus
Drop In Ministries
Ethne Prayer Network
Evangelical Alliance Scotland
Evangelical Alliance UK
Evangelical Alliance Wales
Faith Mission
Flame International
Freedom in Christ
Fresh Streams
Friends of God
Healing the Land
Heartcry Ministries
Hope for Justice
Interdenominational Divine Healing Ministries
Love Wales
Nehemiah’s Cry
New Wine Cymru
Orkney Caithness Scotland
Parliamentary Prayer Scotland
Passion for the Nation
Praxis Movement
Prayer Centre Wales
Prayer Storm
Prayer Warriors International
Prayernet Cymru
Quiver Movement
Redeeming Our Communities
Revive Scotland
Scottish Baptist Union
Sound of Wales
Sporting Marvels
The Bridal Company
The Prayer Foundation
Third Space Ministries
Wales Wide
Welcome Network


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW



0121 633 7393