Evan Roberts – Prayer Warrior 

Evan Roberts – Prayer Warrior 

The great revivalist Evan Roberts had a secret weapon as a prayer warrior.

If we said the name Evan Roberts to you I’m sure your first reaction would be revivalist. 

As Christians, we are so intrigued by what took place in the early part of Evan’s life. 

Over a 100,000 people came to faith in the early 1900s as pubs emptied, pit miners started their day in prayer, and worship broke out spontaneously across South Wales in villages and towns. It was a move of God rarely seen before, and even rarely seen since, but what would you think if I said this was not his greatest achievement as a Christian.

Little is known of Evans life after the revival in South Wales but the bits we can piece together show us a man of prayer.

For decades after the revival, Evan dedicated his life to intercession prayer. Throughout World War I and II, Evan without any fanfare or publicity prayed. Throughout the Great Depression of the 1930s, Evan interceded for our nation.

Today, if you’re wondering what you can do to further the Kingdom of God in your towns cities villages, choose intercession prayer.

There won’t be any book deal for doing it or platform to preach. Your social media following won’t increase and make you a Christian Celeb.

But what you will have when you enter heaven is these words being said by the only one that matters…Jesus.

‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.’

I’m certain this is what the intercession prayer warrior Evan Roberts heard.

Paul Fenton is part of the Communications team at World Prayer Centre and works for a commercial radio station in Cornwall where he lives.

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