Iran protests

Iran protests
iran protests
Source: Canva

Iran has hit the headlines in the past 10 days. Protests have spread across the country following the tragic death of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini, who died in custody after being arrested for wearing ‘improper hijab’.

Amid this turmoil and the deep pain felt by many Iranians, I would like to share a heartfelt prayer for Iran written by Asrin, an Iranian-Kurdish leader who serves with Elam. Please do pray along with Asrin: 

Heavenly Father,

With a breaking heart, I lift up my country to you.


As we watch the pain, sorrow and violence spreading across Iran right now, we thank you that you are the God of all comfort.

We grieve for those hurting. We lift up especially the family of Zhina (Mahsa) Amini, and the loved ones of those who have died or been injured in the protests. Please, show them your comfort. You alone can ease this pain.

Many protestors have been arrested and their families do not know where they are. Many people are afraid to leave their homes amid the unrest. Many people are so hurt and angry they are consumed by it. Please, reveal your comfort to them. Comfort my country, LORD.


Now more than ever, Iran needs your hope.

So many of our people don’t know you. They are hurt, they are angry and despairing. They desperately need hope. They feel unseen and unheard. But Father, you see all. You hear the cry of every heart.

Now is the most important time for our people to hear and receive your Good News. LORD, open their hearts. Bring them near to you. Let them enter into your living hope.


LORD, you have many faithful people in Iran. Strengthen your church to be courageous as they go out to share your love with the hurting. Be with them by your Spirit and protect them as they go on prayer walks, as they hold out your words of hope, as they minister to people practically.

Awaken your church in Iran to be fully present with those who are buried deep in pain and anger. And awaken your global Church to know how to pray and act at this time.


Father, we ask that no more of Iran’s daughters or sons would be killed. Restrain the violence, we pray. May many lay down their weapons and refuse to use violence.

We pray the fear of God would enter the hearts of Iran’s leaders, that they would repent and turn to you. LORD, free our beautiful nation from oppression.

LORD, dispel the darkness, the anguish and the suffering from our land. Let your light break through!

Maranatha. Come, Lord Jesus.

Source: Elam Ministries

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Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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