Voting for Local Leaders is Important!

Voting for Local Leaders is Important!

It is very easy to just focus our attention and prayers on national governmental leaders at the moment, especially with current situations in the Middle East and between Ukraine and Russia and with our UK elections on the horizon before 28 January 2025. On Thursday 2 May 2024 voters across England & Wales will head to the polls in a major set of mayoral and local elections and we need to pray for these as well.

Highest profile will be the election of 10 influential metro mayors across England, including in Greater London and all of England’s largest cities:  East Midlands, Greater Manchester, Liverpool City, North East, South Yorkshire, Tee Valley, West Midlands, West Yorkshire, York & N Yorkshire.  Voters will also elect several thousand local councillors, 39 police and crime commissioners, and the 25 members of the London Assembly. In Wales, voters will be deciding who should be police commissioner in the four force areas with no other elections taking place.

Local governmental leaders – especially in England – are entrusted with much authority and influence and we as the body of Christ have a key role to play in both our engagement with local politics and our prayerful choices as who to elect.

Let’s therefore: 

  • Give thanks for the work of your local council/authority and ask that God would use them to bring peace, prosperity, righteousness and hope.
  • Pray for many people to vote and engage with the issues in these local elections on 2 May
  • Pray also for those who are Christians working in local government that God will enable them to be effective witnesses for Him (see Councillor Prayer Network — Christians in Politics)

Jane Holloway is the National Prayer Director of the World Prayer Centre.

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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