The Esther Fast 6-8th Feb

The Esther Fast 6-8th Feb
Esther fast

Pastor Jonathan Oloyede from the National Day of Prayer & worship is issuing a call for an Esther fast to see breakthrough in our nation.

The United Kingdom stands at a crossroads spiritually. Curiously the nation also stands in between the death and coronation of two Monarchs. 

The Crown, Royal Sceptre and Orb were handed over to the Dean of Windsor representing the State Church until the Coronation in May. 

We and a number of National Intercessors feel the need to “Stand in the Gap’ with an extreme FAST of three days without Food or Water.

This Fast will take place Monday 6th to Wednesday 8th February. A small group of us will be together in Prayer and Fasting on these days.

We are inviting YOU and many others who may want to join us to Fast wherever you are located in the United Kingdom & Isles. We need a spiritual BREAKTHROUGH!!

Isaiah 58:6-6 says “Isn’t this the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke?

The focus of this Fast is on God and His Merciful agenda and Will for us despite all our sins and rebellion as His People and the darkness across the Land.

We invite all Christians, all churches, all Leaders, all Networks and Organizations to consider joining in the Fast.

For medical, health and practical reasons, if you cannot join us for the whole 3 days, consider doing one whole day.

You may also arrange with two others and do a ‘Tag Fast’ where the three of you each take one of the days and pass unto each other over the three days.

If you cannot do any of the above but would still like to be involved, then organize some prayers for us within your church, community or contacts. Pray particularly for Strength, Encounters with God, Grace and Fresh Revelations and Prophecies to be released. Pray also for a ‘Spiritual Climate Change’ over these Lands.

Find out the national fast guidelines on the NDOPW website

Join NDOPW on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 7.00pm for a short 30 minute zoom led by Pastor Jonathan as part of these 3 days of fasting and prayer.  Please share this invitation in your churches and fellowships this week.

The Zoom ID for those wishing to join us that way is 838 1534 4436 or the link to register is below:


National day of prayer and worship  – Jonathan Oloyede

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

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