Stand in the Gap 2024

Stand in the Gap 2024

“I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so that I would not have to destroy it….”   [Ezek 22:30]
Pray for Scotland are inviting you to join in whenever you can over the 72 hours 28th to 30th November, by going to and joining in the prayer – a different prayer theme on the hour for an hour. 
Please pray that all will be in place very soon and, even at this late stage, many will join in.  As soon as the site is open we will let you know via this email.  If you want to know more, please email us.  
We know of three prayer gatherings taking place on St Andrew’s Day itself:
 10am – 12 noon, St Fergus Parish Church, Newton Road, St Fergus, by Peterhead AB42 3DD
Contact for more details:  Dave Bestwick

1-2pm, Tayport Episcopal Church, 27A Queen St, Tayport DD6 9JZ
Contact:   Peter Kiehlmann

2-6pm, Perth Christian Centre, Riggs Road Perth PH1 1PR 

Contact:  Ian Paget    Arranged by One Heart Scotland – a key gathering bringing together those in leadership at any level representing UK and other nations – an opportunity to ‘stand in the gap’ as one church in Scotland, for Scotland.  Registration requested via Eventbrite – click here 
If you/your Church decide to hold a gathering on St Andrews Day, there is still time to let us know so we can publicise it if you wish.   Just email us the details.

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He wrapped it back up in the cloth, put it carefully back in the hole in the wall, and covered it up

Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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