Shine Your Light prayer bulletin

Shine Your Light prayer bulletin
shine your light

As we prepare for the weekend of 16th and 17th December, we will use three themes each month to help everyone praying in the build-up for this wonderful God-given opportunity. This weekend will be the conclusion of three months of preparation, so as you pray, be aware that you are ploughing up the ground that you pray for, and as you walk the streets in prayer, be mindful that each step you take you are depositing the light and presence of God which will change the spiritual atmosphere as you walk and pray.

The LIGHT       

The people who walk in darkness will see a great light: Those who live in a dark land, the light will shine on them.   Isaiah 9:2

As the Church prepares to go out onto the streets, let’s pray for:

  • the light of God to shine in the dark places, exposing the works of darkness, and bringing those things which are covered by dark, into the light.
  • a genuine excitement as hope comes into view through each Church community providing different services and support for those around them.
  • the light of Jesus Christ to invade every home, every community, every place of education, every retail establishment and every financial outlet.

The LOVE        

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another.                                                                                        John 13:35

  • Pray to see more of the love of God demonstrated across every community, every age group, every aspect of society.
  • Pray for all our young people, especially those in schools, as they engage with Shine Your Light and start to share the possibilities with their friends.

The LIFE           

Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.                                                                                    John 14:6

  • Pray for the life that flows from Jesus, to affect every single person as the Church starts or continues to walk the streets in prayer and believe in the life-changing power of God to affect thousands of lives of those around them.
  • Pray for the reality of a Church without walls, as God’s people prepare to bring life onto the streets in every community.

Look out for the next SYL Prayer Bulletin Special week commencing 6th November 2023.

Prayer bulletin compiled by the World Prayer Centre.

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