Shine Your Light Prayer Bulletin

Shine Your Light Prayer Bulletin

As we carry on praying in the lead up to the great opportunity that Shine Your Light presents, let’s continue to pray blessing into our streets and neighbourhoods, and realise that everywhere we walk, as we pray and worship, we are leaving Holy Spirit deposits wherever we tread.

Over the last two months, we‘ve been praying for the light, love and life of Jesus where we are, and for an increase in open hearts, an expectancy with hope and asking God to bring healing into all areas of community and society. 

December is a season of expectancy, so as we journey through Advent and pray “O Come Emmanuel and redeem Your people, “ Let’s pray:

For PEACE        And the peace of God which surpasses all comprehension shall guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus     Philippians 4:7

  • In these challenging times, let’s ask God for His peace in every neighbourhood, every village, town and city as we prepare to welcome the Christ child at this season 
  • Pray for the very Shalom of God in all its fullness – the wholeness and well-being, the good health, inner completeness and tranquillity, the prosperity, security and the manifestation of the divine grace of God, as His body, the church, prepares for this season.
  • That the peace of God would rest on your City, your town, village or community.

For God’s PRESENCE     May He strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all His holy ones.                                                                            1 Thessalonians 3:13

  • Pray for God’s presence to be so manifest and so strong where His people gather
  • As we journey through December, let’s call on God for His transforming presence, that as we worship together during the weekend of Shine Your Light, there would be such an amazing outpouring of God’s love that would flood into hearts and change lives.
  • Pray particularly for our young people. The connections and friendships that they make will impact all those around them as they share the love, grace and peace of God with others.

Pray for the PLACE        How good and how pleasant it is when brethren dwell together in unity – that is when God commands His blessing….. life forevermore.                                                                                                                 Psalm 133: 1 & 3(b)

  • Wherever God shines His light – pray that the place where ‘Shine Your Light’ happens in your locality brings transformation, healing, joy and a deeper comprehension of God’s love, bringing changed lives.
  • As the bride of Christ, take up the authority that Jesus has given you to stand, and as you prayer walk your locality each day during December, simply believe that you are preparing a place for His presence. 
  • Our prayer – Lord, shine Your light wherever two or three or many more are gathered and may the overflow of Your love impact people and lives in every location and wider up and down this Family of Nations as your body gather to worship and adore Christ the Lord and share His transforming love. Amen!

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