Prayer watch focus on worship

Prayer watch focus on worship

Gathering online to pray on Monday 27 September – we focussed on the theme of worship, as we prayed about three very topical and significant areas:

The United Church Event happening at St Andrew’s Stadium (Birmingham  City Football Ground) on Sunday 17 October at 4:00pm – recognising the significance and importance of the Church coming together from all the different denominations and streams across the City to pray about the issue of racial injustice and racism particularly in Birmingham. The service has been organised by a group of leaders in Birmingham from all different churches and will address many difficult issues such as asking for forgiveness, recognising past hurt and praying for reconciliation as we look to God for a miracle of unity in the City.

We prayed for remarkable heaven-inspired unity for the day and moving forward as a city, for the event itself and many logistical issues relating to a stadium event and for massive church engagement.

Just as a footnote – if you would like to be part of a team praying on the day, either in the stadium or virtually – where you are, can you drop Laurence an email and let him know.

We focussed on the upcoming COP26 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow – understanding that COP stands for ‘Conference of Parties’ and that this conference is the 26th such one to be held.

We prayed for the leaders of the 192 nations as they prepare to come to the UK and set foot on Scottish soil. We prayed for God to bless Scotland and that there would be an open heaven over Scotland as the conference takes place, for the Church’s response as the eyes of the world look to Scotland and also our personal responsibility in the whole area of climate change.


We were pleased to be able to welcome Michelle Heritage from The Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer into the ‘Upper Zoom Room’ and heard details of how the 6 week funding campaign is taking shape, along with opportunity to pray for the team at The Wall – that they might see things from Heaven’s perspective and understand more of God’s divine leading as the campaign moves forward; that for each of them, through this time they would find themselves becoming more closely aligned with God in the secret place and for energy, good health and favour for each of the team.


The whole call was framed in worship – allowing people the opportunity to simply worship God for who He is and for His love and faithfulness to each one of us.

Laurence Sharman is the Executive Director of World Prayer Centre.

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