Pray for the elections in Canada

Pray for the elections in Canada

Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a reproach to any people. (Proverbs 14 v 34)


Pray for elections of Canada – September 20, 2021

(Advanced voting begins on Friday 10th September)

Download a PDF here

As these elections take place Canada, like many nations in the West, stands at a point of crisis and decision, facing many similar profound ethical and moral challenges and choices.  

We covet your prayers for these points and others as you are led.


  1. That Christians would awaken to see the critical hour we are in and that a spirit of Prayer and Intercession would descend on the Church of Canada and her friends. Zec 12:10.
  2. That the redeemed Church would unite in their hearts, spirit and focus and pray in agreement. Matthew 18:19
  3. Strength, refreshment and encouragement for believers in Canada and especially those burdened in prayer for their nation. Gal 6:2
  4. Rulers and government. 1 Tim 2:1
  5. Integrity in the election process, freedom from manipulation and trust in the outcome
  6. That government and all in authority would be unable to use fear, false narratives or fraud to manipulate the elections.
  7. Corruption in government to be exposed. Matt 10:26
  8. Righteous people to be elected to government and appointed to the Public Service. Tim 2:2, Daniel 5:19b, 21b
  9. That the bias of media would be curtailed and that media would become accountable for what they do report and what they are not reporting. Clarity, truth and integrity in reporting John 8:32
  10. For peace to dwell in the hearts of His people and be in the homes, families and on the streets of Canada.
  11. Justice to prevail in the country. John 7:24, Deuteronomy 1:17
  12. Wisdom in those elected to bring understanding, healing, integrity and equity across the East and the West of the nation. From sea to sea. (Ps 72 v 8).
  13. The Spirit of repentance to fall on Church. As a Nation for those involved in atrocities of abortion and physician-assisted suicide and other practices. Lord have mercy that these practices would be restrained in the nation.
  14. For those with Godly fear and wisdom be appointed and given Godly inspiration to know how to take righteous care of our land and environment and people justly.

Download the whole 


In Christ, Christian friends in Canada, (inc. Dr J Roddam,  Barry and Nadine Pawlak).

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