Pray for peace in conflict nations

Pray for peace in conflict nations

The 21st September is the international day of prayer for peace.  There is so much conflict happening around the world, it is a great opportunity to pray for peace that day.  Ian Cole shares prayer points for some conflict nations in the Middle East.

This week as in every week, we are praying out of compassion and concern for people in nations that are suffering extreme hardship through war, pandemic, corruption, environmental disasters and fear. We are not praying out of panic because as Christians we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus and there is no panic in heaven. 

We are praying with an understanding that in the midst of much suffering and chaos as nation fights against nation, God is at work by His Spirit through His people. I have just come off a call with prayer and mission leaders from Australia, Asia, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas sharing all that God is doing in the nations despite and sometimes through the huge challenges they face.

As we pray together here at World Prayer Centre, we look around our world, and what nation does not need God’s intervention, what community does not need His presence, what church does not need revival? So, as we pray this week, we have chosen a particular region of the world not only because of the great need and challenges it faces but its significance in God’s plans and purposes as His Kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven.

Today, I am inviting you to pray for Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey and Israel. We will pray for church leaders, our brothers and sisters in these nations, for the governments and leaders, and for missionary evangelists as they share the gospel and for peace makers. 



We pray for protection for our brothers and sisters and their children who need places of safety, for courage and grace for those who have indicated they will stay and share the gospel whatever the cost. We pray for protection for believers and those who have helped the West whose names have fallen into Taliban hands.  We pray for significant Taliban leaders to have encounters with Jesus. We pray for safe and effective extraction for those still waiting to leave the country. We pray for confusion amongst the Taliban that will thwart their evil intent. We pray for a failure of the Opium crop that will prevent Taliban and others from inflicting addiction, terror and corruption in the region. We pray for peace makers in all governments who are working to bring peace in the region.



We pray for the church in Iraq, that they will know divine protection, miracles of salvation and provision, and signs and wonders as they spread Your word across the nation.  We pray for the safety of thousands of woman still missing from the Iraq war, we pray for rain as so many are suffering the shortage of water.



Thank you, Father for all that you doing in the nation of Iran. We thank you for the many thousands of believers in underground churches across the nation who are spreading the Gospel through discipleship programmes. We thank you for their courage and the example to the worldwide body of Christ as they take up the cross and follow Jesus.

We pray for revelation of Jesus to significant leaders in government as individuals have a ‘Damascus Road’ experience. We pray that every time the name of Jesus, Isa, Yeshua is mentioned, Your word will be released and light, salvation and healing will come, in the name of Jesus.



Father, we know that Isaiah tells us that one day a highway will be established between Egypt, Israel and Assyria that will be a blessing on the earth. So, we bring Syria and Lebanon as part of that to you today. Again, we are praying for Your church, our brothers and sisters who over the years have stood strong in their faith. 

We pray for the restoration of the Lebanese economy as the nation seeks to support so many thousands of refugees. We pray for an end to the pressure and oppression of outside forces especially Russia and China as they seek to dominate the area and support those bringing conflict to Israel. We pray for the many refugees to find safety from the terror inflicted on them. We pray for those in authority in these nations and ask that You would raise up righteous leaders, men and women of integrity.



Father, we see a nation recently ravaged by fire. We know that President Erdogan wants Turkey to become an Islamic nation. Father, we pray that this nation that birthed much of the early church will remain a nation that provides religious freedom and a place where Your gospel will flourish. We pray for the fire of Your presence to overcome every attempt of the enemy to bring an Islamic regime. We pray to see the name of Jesus honoured and uplifted across this nation.



The crisis in Afghanistan has once again highlighted the part Pakistan plays in the region. The strong links the Taliban has across the border into Pakistan has drawn the nation into the conflict. As America and Western countries have left, a vacuum has been created that is quickly being filled by China. The Taliban and their supporters are openly declaring that Allah has helped them remove Russia, America and the West.

Pray that God’s will be done in the relationship between Pakistan, Afghanistan and China. Pray for the growing movement of prayer amongst believers across Pakistan. Pray for evangelists and missionaries who are sharing the gospel despite the hostility towards them. Pray for moderate voices to be heard in the Pakistan government. Pray that many disillusioned young people will find life and hope in Jesus as they search for truth.



As we look at all these nations, in one way or another, they want to remove Israel from the map. We also realise that all of them are part of the much prayed into 10/40 window.

We pray for Israel’s protection, the peace of Jerusalem, the revelation of Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah, to thousands of Jews across Israel and around the world. We pray for courage and boldness for Messianic believers around the nation. We pray for a Government of integrity, as we bless the nation of Israel. 

Father, may your name be hallowed as Your kingdom comes and Your will is done across these nations. Amen


Ian Cole is the founder of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham.


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