Tuesday 22 February 2022 – Monday 28 February 2022
Make an impact and give a gift to WPC for Team Development and the 30th Anniversary of the vision.

Over the years the work and ministry of the World Prayer Centre has been sustained by the faithfulness of The Triune God and blessed and supported through the faithful giving of friends and supporters to whom we are incredibly grateful, especially those who month by month support us through standing orders, regular gifts and through their Grant Making Trusts.
At different times in a given year, at special events, conferences at Swanwick and regular prayer days, we have been able to take offerings that have helped us week by week, month by month to continue our faith journey. However, due to the pandemic we have not been able to meet together in that way.
We have been blessed and encouraged as we have met with many of you on zoom month by month to pray for local, national and global issues, but we recognise that one of the things we have not been able to do is take an offering. So we are inviting you in this thirtieth year of our journey to make a gift to the work and ministry of WPC with special emphasis of the ongoing development and growth of the team.
New doors are opening for us both nationally and internationally and we are praying and preparing for people called by God to join the team this year.
Whatever amount you can give, we will be truly grateful. In thinking about 2022 we had the thought of gifts ranging from £2 to £20 to £22 £202 or £2022. Of course you could add 20 and 22 to make £42 or multiply 22 by 2 and make £44. (No doubt the mathematicians among us could come up with many more configurations).
However, we simply say that whatever you feel led to give, we, as Trustees will oversee its wise use in the development of our ministry and above all the extension of God’s kingdom.
There are a number of ways that you can donate:
- You can donate directly using Paypal via the link HERE
- You can send a cheque payable to ‘World Prayer Centre’ to: World Prayer Centre, PO Box 17971, Birmingham, B2 2NY
- You can call the offices on 0121 633 7393 and make a card payment.
Please let us know if you are a tax payer and that we can claim GiftAid on your gift.
Sheila Hendley, Alex Elphinston, Steve Bavington, Joel Goodlet, Ian Cole.
World Prayer Centre Trustees