As October starts, we are launching our new Campaign of Hope, to spread hope and pray for hope across our nation at a time of crisis.
Open the newspaper or pick up your phones alert, most of the time it is bad news. When we are constantly fed negativity, it produces fear and hopelessness. No wonder people are struggling with mental health and suicide levels have increased! The bible warns us to be careful how and what we hear (Mark 4:23-25). What we hear affects what we think and how we feel. So constant drip-feeding of bad news is going to affect you and how you view the world around you.
Without God, we are influenced by the world. With God, anything is possible! As Christians, we need to come in the opposite spirit to the spirit of this world. Therefore, we are launching our new ‘Campaign of Hope’ to sow seeds of hope to counteract hopelessness in uncertain times. We want to sow seeds of trust to counteract fear and instead of greed… generosity.
We hope that you can join us on the Hope journey! We will be sharing stories and scriptures of hope over the coming months from guest writers and contributors, and encouraging people to pray for God to release renewed hope into our nation. Why don’t you help us spread that hope by sharing our content with others who need hope too?
If you have a story of hope, we’d love to hear it. Your story could encourage others. Contact natasha.ruddock@worldprayer.org.uk
Natasha Ruddock is the Communications Manager for the World Prayer Centre Birmingham.