Are there key components need for birthing revival? Michael Marcel thinks there are and you can download his free booklet on Travailing prayer.

For many years the World Prayer Centre has been praying for revival in the UK. I’m sure most people can agree that we need to see change in our nation and society. Michael Marcel has been researching revivals for many decades and he has compiled an amazing website, UK Wells that tells about the history of revivals in the UK, the revivalists and the wells in our nation. He has written resources and recorded videos that can be used to see how revivals were birthed previously.
In preparing for revival, Michael talks of disciplines or anointing for revival that are lacking from the Body of Christ today. We recently featured one of his booklets, Baptism of Fire and now we have another booklet on Travailing prayer that is free to download.
If you want to learn more about previous revivals, we encourage you to visit the UK Wells website. We pray that it will ignite the fire of revival in you today!