Accelerated Growth Of Virtual House Of Prayer

Accelerated Growth Of Virtual House Of Prayer

Last December, the Lord spoke to the World Prayer Centre about starting the virtual house of prayer Facebook group. Who would have thought three months later that the world would be living in lockdown, unable to leave our homes! Thank God that He knew. He had a plan to provide a platform to pray even when we can’ t meet in a physical place.
For many years, we have prayed for people to catch the importance of prayer, for the Church to arise, and for God’ s children to behold His Glory. We are now beginning to see the answers to these prayers.
Since March, when our nation began to shut down, we have seen the church leave the building… and move online. In this time of shaking, God has used this time to clear schedules and call His people to the place of prayer.
Since the coronavirus hit the UK, the virtual house of prayer has seen such an acceleration in growth that you could really start to get excited! The number of members has doubled in the last month to 740 members, of which 707 of them are active users participating on the group. The number of people engaging through reactions, comments and posts has increased by 685% in the last month!
The Lord is doing a new thing!
The group is a community of praying Christians impacting our world. We are beginning to see answers to prayer. This raises our faith in a time when many are fearful and lost.

Here’ s some the answers to prayer from the virtual house of prayer:

  • Baby Israel born with suspected infection was found to be infection free after prayer and allowed to go home.
  • John, who was very poorly and on a ventilator. Now sitting up and breathing on his own.
  • We praise God for the many supernatural healings in China that were added to the group.
  • Keeley, who had a kidney function of 2% and needing dialysis. After prayer, her kidney function returned to 60% and she felt strong enough to fight on with other challenges.
  • We prayed for rain when Australia had the bushfires earlier in the year and rain came that week.

We hope you can join in our journey on the WPC virtual house of prayer. You can find us on Facebook if you search under groups.
Don’ t miss out on these exciting times and what God is doing!

Natasha Ruddock is the Communications Manager at the World Prayer Centre and church leader in Birmingham.

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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