140 people join Zoom for peace during UK protests

140 people join Zoom for peace during UK protests

We thank God today that He is answering our prayers.  On Wednesday, World Prayer Centre felt an urgency to call a special prayer watch about the unrest in our nation.   Many Christian ministries have been calling people to unite in prayer for peace on our streets.  There were supposed to be many protests in cities around the UK last night but thank God that any protests happened peacefully.

Since Saturday, the UK has seen unrest and protests like we have not seen for many years, because of the killing of three young girls in Southport and many others injured.  We have seen far right and anti-immigration demonstrations as misinformation of the perpetrator who was alleged to be an asylum seeker.  In response, Muslims came out to defend their communities, there has been violence and vandalism, police injured, racist attacks and many arrested.  Many are fearful of leaving their homes.

uk protests

World Prayer Centre called the special online prayer watch earlier this week to pray for an end to the violence.  It was amazing to see over 140 people join on Zoom to pray in unity.  As we worshipped and prayed together, and in breakout rooms, we felt the need to repent as the Body of Christ for apostasy that has taken place in the Church, where many are abandoning scriptural principles.

Ian Cole, the founder of World Prayer Centre, had a sense that is the shaking that we are experiencing part of the answer to our prayers for spiritual awakening across our nations.  When God wants to move, He gets the Church to pray.  The unity that we have seen with churches and the movement for prayer coming together is watering the green shoots of revival.  

We have also seen communities uniting to stand against the protesters.  We pray for spiritual eyes to be opened.  Now is the time for an acceleration of the unified prayer to see thousands swept into the Kingdom.

We also prayed for the media and misinformation that has been spread.  The media’s reporting of the protests has provoked the unrest and sown fear.  We pray for the peace of God to fill hearts and minds and not the peace of man (unanointed peace).  We pray for wisdom for the government and police in how to deal with the unrest.

We thank God that He is sovereign over all these troubles and protests.  Psalm 11 tells us to trust in the Lord for protection.  It goes on to say that “when the foundations of law-and-order collapse, what can the righteous do?”  The Lord still rules from heaven, and He is watching every person on earth, and He brings punishment on the wicked because He is righteous and loves justice. 

As followers of Christ, we must come in the opposite Spirit to the world.  We pray for the firm foundations that are built on peace, justice, love and righteousness.  We are called to speak love and peace instead of hate and war. We ask for more of God’s presence to be poured out on our streets and nation, and for more love for our neighbours’ whatever colour, culture or religion that they may be.  

prayer watch

Let’s continue to pray in unity.  We will be hosting another special online prayer watch on Wednesday 14thAugust, 9.30 – 10.30am.  Details for Zoom are on our website.

You can also join with the National Day of worship and Prayer who are praying every day on Zoom at 7am and 7pm.  Visit their website for details of how to join.

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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