
World Prayer Centre

At the World Prayer Centre… we pray. We also encourage people to pray and we connect people in prayer and gather people to pray.  Prayer is our middle name!

We are at an exciting time when we are developing our calling to be a house of prayer for all nations, but we have been shaped by some significant prayer principles that are integral to all we do:

  • Heaven to earth – being directed by God and not man.
  • The importance of the cross – understanding the power of Jesus dying on the cross.
  • The Word and Spirit – being guided by scriptures and encouraging us how we should pray 

Our prayers have been for local, national and international issues.

We have a networking role, working with a range of people and organisations. We bring leaders with a heart for prayer together. We believe that prayer enables mission. We are supporting a growing global movement of young prayer leaders and nation builders. We support and enable united prayer in our cities and for the land and countryside.
We host large national prayer events, calling people together to pray. Increasingly, we mobilise prayer through social media enabling a fast and joined up approach, and inspiring growing numbers to pray.

Alongside this, we have a vision for a World Prayer Centre building – a large facility for prayer and worship, teaching and ministry. It will glorify God in its design and be an engine room for revival.


The World Prayer Centre is a Christ-centred global house of prayer in Birmingham and a catalyst for prayer in the British Isles. It exists to inform, mobilise and encourage people around the world to pray, locally, nationally and globally which flows into mission to nations, love for families and care for the marginalised and poor in society. 



World Prayer Centre is a house of prayer with a heart for the nations and within this foundation stone we find the principle of establishing continual prayer from all denominational traditions and varied prayerful expressions.


God has clearly given us a remit to stand with those who have no voice, to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn. This stone will be a distinctive attribute to the ministry element of World Prayer Centre.


With the foundation stone of mission, we want to establish the preaching of the Gospel and see God’s word transform lives as it goes out. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus tells us to ‘go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.

The Family

At the very heart of God is the family. We read in Psalm 86 that God sets the lonely in families and leads out the prisoners with singing. One of the physical aspects of World Prayer Centre will be the founding of a Family Centre, promoting family life by providing practical support and teaching on relationships and life issues.

Our Mission

The World Prayer Centre aims to:

Achieving our goals

How We Do It

Statement of Faith

What we believe


Here at the World Prayer Centre, we are a team who are passionate about God and seeing His purposes come to pass in our nation and the nations!

Laurence Sharman

Executive Director

Laurence Sharman

With a passion to worship and a desire to see people released in worship and prayer, Laurence is a ‘no worries,’ intentional person who will seek to find a way through challenging situations. He leads World Prayer Centre and works closely with all the team members, deliberately looking for ways to help people to play to their strengths. As a keen networker, he is always looking for fresh and creative ways to connect people together and draw people closer for the benefit of the Kingdom.

Jane Holloway

National Prayer Director

Jane Holloway

Jane networks across the British Isles and facilitates a number of networks including Prayer Connexions – England (which includes the Houses of Prayer network and England Prayer Watch group); Connecting the Isles (which links leaders across the British Isles) and the UK team for the German UK Prayer Bridge. She is part of the Hope Countryside Partnership, the HOPE Together Prayer Team, the Prayer Alert team and acts as a consultant to churches and organisations as required. She has previously been involved in various jobs linked with prayer and mission, including working for the UK Evangelical Alliance as Prayer coordinator and Prayer and Mission coordinator. Jane is passionate about making prayer accessible to all and seeing the church rediscover the centrality of prayer in its mission. Her role enables her to teach, mobilize, write and network across the British Isles.

Natasha Ruddock

Communications Manager

Natasha Ruddock

Natasha leads our Communications team and manages all internal and external communication for WPC. This includes managing the website, social media, compiling printed resources, establishing a clear brand for WPC and marketing what we do. She has spearheaded moving WPC towards a more digital audience in a world that is moving quickly and technology is rapidly changing.

She is married to Colin and they have a son Brandon. Together, they lead Victory Outreach church Birmingham, which is a ministry that reaches broken and hurting people, particularly those in addiction.

Diana Holder

Book Keeper

Diana Holder

Diana does the book keeping at the World Prayer Centre. She is very practically minded, and she carries a heart for prayer and people, and places a high priority on excellence. She is passionate about helping others realise their life goals and will often go the extra mile to achieve that aim.

Ian & Pauline Cole

Founders & Global Connectors

Ian & Pauline Cole

Ian and Pauline Cole are the founders of the World Prayer Centre. The vision for the World Prayer Centre was first given in 1990 to Ian Cole. Prior to that he had been involved in Christian charities since 1980. They network globally with prayer leaders and organisations around the world to mobilise prayer.

Paul Fenton

Social Media

Paul Fenton

Paul is our social media guru and is responsible for helping to produce our video content and strategy development across our social media platforms. He also works with other Christian organisations including Leading the Way, Neighbourhood Prayer Network and ROC.

Colin & Chrissie Greaves

Regional Reps North of England & the Borders

Colin & Chrissie Greaves

Colin & Chrissie have been friends of the World Prayer Centre for many years and are our regional reps in the North of England and the Borders.

Our Board of Trustees

Sheila Hendley

Sheila Hendley is a Pastor at The Net church and founder of Academy for Life urban bible school.

Ian Cole

Ian Cole is the founder and a trustee of the World Prayer Centre, 


Joel Goodlet is a secondary school teacher and teaches religious education at Aston Manor Academy.


Bashie Bains is involved in the Coventry House of Prayer and has a real heart for worship and prayer.


Jo Blower previously helped with Communications at WPC and is now a trustee.

Connecting people
in prayer

“God blesses unity – “that they might be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.” John 17:24

Working Together for the Kingdom

At a recent World Prayer Centre Conference, Rev Malcolm Duncan likens prayer to the lungs of the body. Lungs cannot operate on their own, they serve, energise and enable the body. This moves into partnering with honour, support, collaboration and working together for the Kingdom to come.

Our collaboration is on:
Prayer – bringing prayer networks together with a special link with House of Prayers.
Mission – we want to see people of all ages in all our communities come to know Jesus.
Prayer and praise – we want to minister to the Lord, declare who He is and lift up His name.
Social Justice – justice, the poor, the vulnerable and families touch God’s heart.

Our Partners

Our heart is for unity. Malcolm Duncan describes prayer as being the lungs of the body. Lungs cannot operate on their own, they serve, energise and enable the body. This moves into partnership with honour, support, collaboration and working together for the Kingdom to come.


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW




0121 633 7393