World Prayer Centre

The World Prayer Centre is a Christian non-denominational Centre to be located at the heart of the UK, in Birmingham, England. The project incorporates a major new building development that will facilitate and enlarge the growing WPC ministry.


To reflect our responsibility for God’s creation, the World Prayer Centre will use green and sustainable materials and energy from sustainable sources that will positively contribute to the environment in both its construction and ongoing use. Beautiful gardens and quiet areas will be provided to enable those who need time to meditate, listen and reflect.

This is a project that we believe is very much on God’s heart, yet which stretches our faith to the limit. In seeing the WPC ministries develop and this Centre built, it is our desire to bring honour to our God, and serve Him in the great move of prayer that is sweeping the nations.

In the design, structure, life and day to day activity of the building, the Centre will enable us and all who come to it to expand and develop in far greater measure all that we seek to do today at a local, national and international level.

The Centre will challenge generations to come, concerning their vision, time, talents and responsibilities for this global village in which they are residents. It is a place where children and young people will be able to pray together, play together, learn together and share both physically and through cyberspace with children and young people around the world.

Families will meet and learn with families. People from one continent will learn and pray with those from another continent. Individual rooms for each continent of the world will be designed to reflect something of the life of each continent to both help and aid prayer and give information concerning special needs being experienced at any given time. Information and needs for prayer will flow into the centre from around the world, and worldwide prayer networks already established will develop and be strengthened.

Around the 60 foot diameter globe, Christian agencies will exhibit the work they are doing nationally and worldwide. Around the boulevard of nations people will walk the world and pray, share and learn. The 5,000 seater auditorium is designed to hold national and international prayer gatherings and other events to stimulate, challenge and excite people of all age groups concerning prayer, mission, family and the marginalized. Accommodation will be available for individuals, families, youth and church groups to enjoy the World Prayer Centre experience.


The World Prayer Centre is a Christ-centred global house of prayer in Birmingham and a catalyst for prayer in the British Isles. It exists to inform, mobilise and encourage people around the world to pray, locally, nationally and globally which flows into mission to nations, love for families and care for the marginalised and poor in society. 


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW




0121 633 7393