An online WPC team prayer watch turned into a significant altar moment about preparing for Pentecost and returning to the Cross.

Last year, World Prayer Centre released an Easter to Pentecost prayer declaration. We had forgotten about it until one of our subscribers said they had found it and wanted to use it again this year.
We had our online team prayer watch this morning and it turned out to be a real ‘altar moment’ for us. One of the team reminded us to focus again on the cross after Easter. Another team mate, Diana, shared about being on another online prayer meeting and God prompting her to share ‘re-‘ words. It sounded a bit strange at first but then our Communications Manager shared that she had been prayerfully reviewing our virtual house of prayer group on Facebook as it had ‘dead a death’ and felt that we had drifted from it’s original intention… a place of prayer. The comms team felt that we need to reset and come back to the place of prayer for Pentecost, the day when the believers prayed and the Holy Spirit came down and dwelled in them.
Diana divulged that God had shown her that the significance of re- means Ruach Elohim, or Holy Spirit. We realised that all re- words are life giving. Then, the re- words started to flow:
Revival… to name a few!
All this happening on the first day after the Jewish New Year, a time of new beginnings. We felt that God was speaking to us about returning to the ancient ways and a time for WPC to reset, and realign to our original intention. Ian Cole shared that he was looking through old WPC photos from previous Trumpet Calls with the Cross in the centre of the NEC. When we looked at the Easter to Pentecost declaration, it had a background… of the cross!

We feel that God is calling us to prepare for Pentecost by returning to the Cross. Without all that Jesus did on the cross, everything that we stand for, the whole Christian faith would mean nothing. We don’t know what God is going to do, but we are excited! So, we urge you to return to the place of prayer. Remember the cross and all that Jesus did for us. Speak out the declaration each day. We pray that God will reignite you with Ruach Elohim this Pentecost and that many are revived to see a spiritual awakening.
Natasha Ruddock – Communications Manager, World Prayer Centre