Grab one of these amazing sermon & prayer journals to help with your personal time with God.
This journal resource is designed to help you to focus your thoughts as you listen to God’s word being preached on Sundays, as well as giving you space to record your prayers, thoughts and what you hear God’s say each week in your daily prayer life.
There is 52 weeks of space included, giving you one year of pages to record, digest and live out what is preached on a Sunday.
When you finish the 52 weeks, complete the yearly summary at the end and take the chance to give God thanks for the year and to reflect on the journey you have been on. It is our hope that in your study, prayer and living out your faith in Him, that you will be blessed and encouraged beyond measure.

A beautifully collated prayer and sermon journal, with entry pages for notes on Sunday Sermons, plus week to page view for midweek prayers and journalling.
Perfect if you’re new to journalling, with small prompts and easy formatting to follow each week. This journal resource is designed to help you to focus your thoughts as you listen to God’s word being preached on Sundays, as well as giving you space to record your prayers, thoughts and what you hear God’s say each week in your daily prayer life.
This journal is perfect for church study, prayer, learning and growth as you walk with God each day.