Ian Cole, the founder of the World Prayer Centre reflects on the current global situation and what we should do.

Has there ever been a time like this?
This question has been doing the rounds time and time again in recent days and it is being asked in every sector of society – locally, nationally and internationally. In politics, global financial sectors, in centres studying the environment, in the influence of religions around the world and of course in the Christian Church, the body of Christ worldwide.
The question is fed by an insatiable, non-stop, 24/7, 365 media frenzy, with media organisations reporting or giving their opinions on events that are happening in all the institutions and bodies mentioned above. What would have taken just a day or two a few years ago, or in the case of international news a couple of weeks, now arrives as ‘breaking news’ through main stream media or social media just minutes after an event,
When the disciples asked Jesus “what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24) His ‘breaking news’ was that many things would take place before His coming, but only His Father knows that exact moment.
So, in answer to the question, “Has there ever been a time like this”, we could ask the question, “Are we seeing the beginnings of Matthew 24 or Luke 21?”
Whatever your answer is, and no doubt there will be many, one thing we as Christians know and believe is that we are at war. Satan hates the body of Christ, God’s creation and everyone on this planet. We know we are not fighting flesh and blood (Ephesians 6), but against the rulers, the authorities, the powers of this dark world and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. What was Paul’s response to that?
Stand against the devil’s schemes in the full armour of God.
Stand your ground for truth,
stand in His righteousness,
stand ready with the good news of the Gospel,
stand in faith in God knowing our assurance of salvation, confident in the Word of God,
Standing on His promises to us in His Word.

On Saturday 11th November in the light of breaking National and Global happenings this weekend and into the future, we are inviting you to join us at our Global Prayer call on Zoom as we stand together in unity, praying for His will be done.
Zoom details
Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317
Passcode: jesuslives
The World Prayer Centre team look forward to seeing you.