Prayer Week – 8th – 14th October

Prayer Week – 8th – 14th October

Calling Christians together to pray, chasing the breakthrough, for Prayer Week this October.

prayer week

Our nation is broken but God can bring breakthrough in every situation and obstacle!  When we “humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, then He will hear from heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land”. 2 Chronicles 7:14

World Prayer Centre is excited to be partnering with Neighbourhood Prayer Network and the National Day of Prayer and Worship for Prayer Week from Sunday 8th – Saturday 14th October culminating with Neighbour Sunday on 15th October.  We will be calling Christians to come together each day to pray for transformation in us, on our streets and in our nation.

Can you join us on Zoom for just one hour each day of Prayer Week to pray for issues that we want to see God bring breakthroughs?  See below for the themes and times.

DayZoom timeThemeScripture
Sunday7-8 pmChasing the breakthrough on every streetJeremiah 29:7
Monday7-8 pmChildren & Young peopleMark 10:14
Tuesday12.30-1.30 pmPeace in your neighbourhoodLuke 4:18-19
Wednesday9.30-10.30 amProdigals & unreached peopleLuke 15:20-24
Thursday7-8 pmHealing & mental healthIsaiah 53:4-5
Friday9.30-10.30 amFood, farming & rural communitiesPsalm 104:14
Saturday10-11.30amJustice – prisons, freedom of speech & traffickingIsaiah58:8-10

We invite you to join us as we pray and worship and see how God moves in these areas.  We are expectant for God to do miracles as we chase Him and the breakthrough that we long to see across our land.

The Zoom details are unless stated below:

Passcode: 65626

Saturday zoom – WPC Zoom details

Meeting ID: 819 5187 5317
Passcode: jesuslives

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

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