Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast: 27 June

Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast: 27 June
parliamentary prayer

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
1 Timothy 2:1-2, NIV UK

Thank you so much for your continued partnership in prayer. We are busy preparing for the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, which is taking place on Tuesday 27 June. 

We are really excited that a record number of over 200 parliamentarians are booked to attend. Along with church leaders across the UK there will be 700 guests in total. We will be livestreaming the event again from Westminster Hall to allow even more people to attend. If you would like to join the livestream, then please register here

Our theme this year is ‘The Power of Forgiveness in Public Life’ and we are delighted that our main speaker will be Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, honorary lecturer at the University of Aberdeen School of Divinity.

Please pray:

  • For all the final logistical arrangements to fall into place: that the set-up process would run to plan, that all the security checks would come through in a timely way and that the technology would work smoothly on the day. That no little detail would be missed!   
  • For our speaker Dr Amy Orr-Ewing: that God would give her wisdom and discernment as she prepares and that her keynote message would help all consider how the Christian message of forgiveness applies at a personal and public level.    
  • For Geraldine Latty-Luce and Carey Luce as they lead the music: that it would be beautiful and God-honouring and that we raise the roof of Westminster Hall in song!   
  • For everyone taking part in the programme: that Christ will be exalted through their words and prayers.   
  • That everyone who attends the Breakfast, including record numbers of MPs, would leave inspired about the personal and public relevance of the Christian Faith.  
  • That the event would foster closer relationships between MPs and church leaders.   
  • That the livestream would reach even more people than ever, and that all who join from across the country would be encouraged to engage and pray more regularly for Parliament, Government and politics.  

Ongoing ministry

In addition to the National Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast, we are thankful for the opportunities for our ongoing ministry within Parliament. We would really appreciate prayer in the following areas: 

  • Chapel services: Our weekly lunchtime service continues to grow, and we have been encouraged by the numbers attending each week. For the rest of the term, we are doing a series from Hebrews, ‘Jesus: Simply the Best’. Please pray for all those who attend to be strengthened and built up as they reflect on God’s Word, and for all the speakers as they prepare.  
  • Bible study and fellowship groups: Our three Bible study groups continue to be a source of great encouragement. All three groups have recently started studying Luke’s gospel. Please pray that all who attend will be struck by the goodness of God’s justice and the certainty of the salvation to be found in Jesus, and that this would motivate them to live wholeheartedly for him in all their political lives.  
  • Public Theology: Following two successful events on the topic ‘What difference does faith make to politics?’ with Professor Robert Song, we plan to host another event for parliamentarians on 10 July to continue the conversation and deepen relationships. Please pray that this would be a great blessing to all who attend.   
  • Finances: We are thankful for God’s ongoing and generous provision to us through one-off donations and regular giving which enables our ministry to take place. Opportunities for Gospel ministry in the Houses of Parliament continue to grow, so please pray for new financial support to help sustain and grow the ministry. If you would like to partner in our work financially, please visit our website for more information or contact  

Thank you very much again for supporting us in prayer.

The Christians in Parliament Team

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

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