Momentous prayer this May

Momentous prayer this May

This May, there has been momentous prayer like we have never seen before. Here’s some of the prayer initiatives that happened:

Isaiah 62 Fast called by Mike Bickle and the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, when over 5 million Jesus followers from 10,000 prayer hubs in 120 nations committed to pray an hour a day for 21 days from May 7th to May 28th Pentecost Sunday!  The theme passage was Isaiah 62:1, 6-7.

The International Prayer Council , Isaiah 62 Fast and others joined in and facilitated The Global Day of Prayer for Jewish people and nation on Pentecost Sunday May 28th, “ gathering with 850 people on the Southern Steps, Temple Mount, in Jerusalem – the site where Peter preached the Gospel on the day of Pentecost and 3,000 Jews believed and confessed Jesus Christ as their Messiah, and Saviour!  We joined our voices together with over 100 million people praying on this day for the salvation of Israel. I believe this was the most coordinated prayer effort on behalf of the Jewish people worldwide in Church history!” Watch highlight video Pentecost 2023 (

2022 Earth was launched : A decade of Great Commission efforts (2023- 2033) – 2033 being the 2000 year anniversary of the giving of the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations.

South West Awake saw 4000+ people gather at the designated 630 sites along the South West Coastal Path in SW England 10.30-11.00 am praying facing the sea, facing the land and raising a wall of praise with trumpets, shofars and other instruments. 

Back to Pentecost: National Day of Prayer and Worship Sunday May 28th 3pm 18,034 People from 173 Churches and Groups took part across the British Isles gathering in the centre of villages, towns and cities. Highlight video: 

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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