Global update: Watch and see what God can do

Global update: Watch and see what God can do

Ian Cole, founder of the World Prayer Centre shares a global update.

It is becoming clearer by the day that powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms are increasingly determined to bring death and destruction to the world that God created and the people that Jesus died for.

It is also clear that the Kingdom of God is coming on earth as it is in heaven.

So, we hear the church in Ukraine is standing in prayer against the threat from Russia. Let’s see what God does in answer to those prayers. 

We hear the church in Taiwan is standing in prayer against the threat from China. Let’s watch what God does in that region. 

We hear that the believers in Myanmar are seeing a great spiritual awakening as the country is in civil war. 

We hear that despite atrocious food shortages and even famine in some areas, believers in Afghanistan are seeing many people wanting to know the way to Jesus.  As we pray let’s watch as God works in that hostile environment.

We mutually encourage one another to pray, worship, believe and not give up, as together we see ‘The zeal of the Lord’ released through His body around the world bringing His light, life, peace and hope to our neighbours near us and our neighbours in our global village.

Yes, the battle intensifies, so today, in the authority Jesus gives us, let us take a nation and declare over it the victory of the cross, the power of the resurrection and the eternal hope found in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

And then watch…………

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

Natasha Ruddock

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