Europe Prays Together

Europe Prays Together

This is an urgent call to join an important prayer initiative starting Thursday, March 10. It was initiated by our friend Johannes Hartl from Augsburg House of Prayer and is endorsed by ourselves and many other leaders and ministries across Europe – and that list is growing!  


…for Ukraine

…for Russia 

…for peace 

As Christian leaders from all denominations in all European nations we pray for peace. We declare that war can never be a solution. While we stand in solidarity with the suffering people of Ukraine we also pray for our brothers and sisters in Russia. 

Europe has a wonderful history of reconciliation, that is now threatened by an ideology of dominionism, revenge and fear. We also see in western nations growing hatred towards Russian speaking people and the wish for a military solution. 

As Christians we believe: this is a time for prayer. 

For bold, audacious, persistent and faith-filled prayer in unity. 

We pray for peace in Ukraine and safety for this wonderful nation. 

We pray for the love of Jesus to flood Russia. 

We pray for the Russian people to seek God and truth like never before. 

We pray for a new spirit of forgiveness and understanding all throughout Europe.

We pray for a new era of cooperation and unity between east and west. 

We humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness for where we have acted or thought arrogantly or naive ourselves.

We call Christians all across Europe to take their place in a wave of passionate prayer for the people in Ukraine and in Russia within the next 7 days. 

Prayer and fasting can prevent wars – when filled with faith and trust in Jesus.

He is the Prince of peace. 

He has plans of salvation for every nation.

He has defeated the real enemy – so we no longer are enemies. 

Together we stand against the darkness that tries to drive our nations into a new era of war. United we say NO! 

What can You do?

  • watch the video from Johannes: ( and share.
  • check and find out more!
  • share with your networks.
  • click “I’ll pray!“ at our homepage so everybody can see how many people from which nations take part.
  • pray daily at 5pm (CET) which is 4pm UK time- if possible together with Your family or friends – for an end of the war.
  • fast in a way possible for You within the 7 days (March 10 – March 17)
  • organize prayer meetings with others 
  • take part in a European-wide prayer night from Friday (March 11) 8pm until Saturday (March 12) 6am: a Live-Stream for this event will be shown at with a German programme from 20:15-22:15 and an international programme from 22:15 until 6:00 am. 


Gerhard Proß, Together for Europe, D

Bischof Dominique Rey, Toulon, F

Jean-Luc Trachsel, Europe Shall Be Saved, CH

Johannes Fichtenbauer, European Network of Communities, A

Dr. Johannes Hartl, Gebetshaus Augsburg, D

Sergey Shidlovskij, God Seeker Movement, RU 

Prof. Aleksander Bańka, Duchowosci w Tychach, PO 

Krzysztof Demczuk, Metanoia catholic community, PO

Clemens Graf v. Mirbach-Harff, Malteser International 

Bishop Vladimir Ashaev, RU

P. Karl Wallner OCist, Mission Österreich, A

Reinhardt Schink, Evangelische Allianz, D

Alistair Barton, Pray for Scotland, UK

Ben Fitzgerald, Awakening Europe, D

Jesus Revolution, NO

Arleen & Dick Westerhof, House of Prayer Amsterdam, NL

We will join in during ENGAGE Friday 11th and Saturday 12th March

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