The National Day of Prayer and Worship are inviting people to pray at 7am or 7pm each day in the run up to the general election.

On Thursday evening, Sir Stephen Timms and Andy Flannagan joined us we prayed into the General Election.
- Please click here to watch the video which we shared from The Bible Society
- Please click here to download the prayer ‘God of all government’ which Andy has written
As we continue in this last week before the polls open, we have created a Digital Prayer Room where Believers can unite to pray every single day until the Election result is announced.
Thank you to those who have been joining us since we announced this on Thursday.
If you’ve not joined yet, we would love to invite you to pray at either 7.00am or 7.00pm for up to 45 minutes using this special Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 843 0586 5036
Passcode: Prayer24