Back To School & Education System

Back To School & Education System

If you were able to join us on last Week’ s Watch & Pray on Zoom, thank you. We spent the time praying for Schools and the Education System and felt that as Schools start back this week, it would be good to ask you to continue to pray into this whole area:
In praying for Primary Schools, pray that they are a place of safety and healing for children. Many of whom will be returning to school for the first time in seven months and that they will return into a positive, inspiring and creative learning environment, full of fun and enjoyment. Please also pray for the teaching staff as they prepare to receive the children back and for protection over all of our Primary Schools. If you don’ t do this already, can we suggest that you might like to adopt your local Primary School in prayer during this next stage of post lockdown.
When praying for Secondary Schools, let’ s encourage one another to pray that God’ s people will be a non-anxious presence in schools and to be able to lead from a place of peace. Also that any abuse and neglect that may have occurred during lockdown, can be easily seen and dealt with effectively. Schools are facing massive challenges to establish an effective learning environment, so with that in mind, pray for creative wisdom, strong leadership from teachers and a desire to see young people play their part.
As you pray about The Pastoral System in Schools, please think and pray about all the new Year 7′ s who will be starting Secondary School and the different environment that they will be going into. Pray for all the Pastoral Staff in all schools who will be seeking to establish relationships with new families coming into the school, as well as continuing to build on existing relationships (this now has to be done via phone calls as home visits are not allowed at this time). There will have been many job losses during the pandemic and many families will be struggling financially – so can we ask you to pray for supernatural provision of resources for families as needed.
Pray for Schools
Finally, please pray for all Teaching Staff and Governors – there are always significant and important decisions that need to be made, so we are asking you to pray that decisions made by Governing bodies would be morally sound, and for those Christian Governors, that God will give them favour and influence as this next academic year rolls out. Pray too for all those teaching staff who are feeling vulnerable, nervous or anxious about returning to the classroom that they would have confidence in their Senior Leadership Teams and what measures have been taken to make the School environment into a safe place.
Please join us as we seek to establish a strong canopy of praise over and above the areas that we are praying about. We truly believe that as we step out in praise and worship – and much of that will be as individuals – that the spiritual climate changes over the areas of issues we are praying about or marking in prayer.

Laurence Sharman is the Executive Director of the World Prayer Centre in Birmingham and a school governor.

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Picture of Natasha Ruddock

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