Arise Watchmen, gatekeepers and Intercessors!

Arise Watchmen, gatekeepers and Intercessors!

As we see the influence of evil increase in our nation, find out if God is calling you to be a watchmen, gatekeeper or an intercessor.

A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing the news feeds and came across a post about the Irish representative for the Eurovision song contest which was the following day.  Bambie Thug describes herself as a ‘non-binary witch’ and her “goal in life is to make everybody leave all the other religions and join witchcraft”.  At the end of her performance, there would be occult symbols and a transgender flag and the words ‘crown the witch’.  Last year, the BBC told listeners to “embrace” pagan rituals and spells in a radio series promoting the use of witchcraft in the UK.  

The first thing I did was to post about it on the WPC Virtual House of Prayer on Facebook alerting people to pray about this demonic influence at such a widespread event.  Little did I know that God was preparing for my calling as a watchman and a gatekeeper.  We were able to pray prior to the event and thank God that Bambie was dethroned and didn’t win but what did her performance in the midst of occultism symbols unleash!

The enemy and the occult have always been around but there is now a new boldness in being more public about the dark arts and trying to influence people.  Where was the church to stand against the powers of the enemy?  The enemy has merely filled a vacuum where the church has not been functioning in the fullness of the body or Bride of Christ.  There have been many prophetic words that the Church is sleeping or in a coma.  It is time for the Church arise and take our place and for those within the Church to fulfil our callings.  The Church is in a ‘blindspot’ and we have to beware otherwise we will continue to see darkness take more of a foothold in our nation.  

Who is responsible for what comes into a city or nation?  The Church has a mandate to stand and pray against enemy tactics in all areas.

The following week, I attended the Watchmen, Gatekeepers and Intercessors training day hosted by Sue Sinclair and the Community Watchmen Ministries team.  They asked for those who were watchmen, gatekeepers or intercessors to raise their hands.  I didn’t know what I was and didn’t know the difference between a watchman and gatekeeper.


The role of a watchman

Ezekiel was the first watchman in the bible (Ezekiel 3:16-27).  Watchmen need integrity and carry a great responsibility.  They must have the gift of discernment.  Watchmen are prophets, who speak with authority into cities, nations, locations, businesses, and even creation.   They are to look out, see what is approaching and investigate.  They are alerted by the Lord of what is coming and then they alert the gatekeepers and intercessors.  

  • Watch / see
  • Discern / Alert
  • Inform gatekeepers & intercessors

The role of gatekeepers

If you are a leader, parent, or ministry leader, you are probably a gatekeeper.

The story of Nehemiah tells us about the watchmen on the walls and the gatekeepers that were appointed by Nehemiah to protect the city.

Gatekeepers are walls of protection.  The watchmen on the walls alert the gatekeepers on what is coming and if there is a threat, and the gatekeepers open and close the gates, and then take action to alert others – the intercessors to pray.

The Gatekeepers have a responsibility to keep bad things out and let good things in.  They have authority to open and close the gates.  Matthew 16:19

We need to ask God what are the things, issues, spirits that we have given authority to in our city/place and what is the antidote?  Here in Birmingham, we have a massive problem with gun and knife crime.  We have the highest figures outside of London.  When you look at the history of Birmingham, we are a manufacturing powerhouse and was known as the city of a thousand trades.  Since the 1600’s Birmingham was the centre of the World’s Gun manufacturing industry and has also manufactured knives and military arms during World War II.  These arms went all around the world.  Are we reaping what has been sown?  (Galations 6: 7-9)

The role of intercessors

Every Christian should intercede.  They pray and stand in the gap. Intimacy with God is their first priority, a one to one connection and agreement with Father.  They pray to shift things and see victory.

I realised from this gathering that God was revealing a call for me to watch on the walls and be a gatekeeper for our city and nation.  There might be many others that do not understand or know that they are called to be watchmen, gatekeepers and intercessors.  Ask the Lord? He will show you.

The walls of our nation have parts that are broken, like in Nehemiah’s time, but God is releasing a fresh call and anointing for the watchmen and the gatekeepers to arise and take their place.  How long do we continue to allow the enemy to have influence in nation, cities and homes?  It is time for us to have a deeper connection with God and be equipped to play our part in the army of God.  Is God calling you?

Here’s some areas to pray about (they will be different for different locations):

  • Police & crime
  • Schools & children
  • NHS & sickness
  • Witchcraft, occult and freemasonry

If you would like to find out more about Sue Sinclair and the Community Watchman Ministries, visit

Natasha Ruddock is the Communications Manager at the World Prayer Centre. Her and husband Colin are the lead pastors of Victory Outreach Church Birmingham.

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