Legacy Giving


Leaving a Gift in Your Will to World Prayer Centre

If you would like to leave a gift to World Prayer Centre when they die, the way to do this is to include the appropriate provision in your will or a codicil. A codicil is a document sometimes used to make minor changes to a will rather than making a completely new will. A will or codicil will only be enforceable if they meet strict criteria and so it is always advisable to consult a solicitor. Your solicitor will be able to advise on how best to carry out your wishes and how they will affect any other provisions in your will or codicil.

How Do I Leave a Gift in My Will?

There are two types of gift that you can make to World Prayer Centre. One is of a specific item (i.e. a painting or piece of furniture) or a particular cash sum which is known as a legacy. The other type of gift is a share of residue. That is the name for the balance of your estate after paying all expenses and legacies. When leaving a legacy or share of residue to World Prayer Centre please advise the solicitor of our registered charity number (1072222) and indicate how you would like the gift to be used. Many legacies are left for “general purposes” which means we can use the gift however we see fit. You may however want to benefit a particular project but please first check with us to make sure your objective can be carried out.



To leave a fixed sum of money in your Will

EG: You would need to include the following instructions in your Will:

“I give to World Prayer Centre of PO Box 17971, Birmingham B2 2NY, Registered Charity number 1072222, the sum of £ ______(in figures) and (in words) absolutely for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the Director of Finance or the other duly authorized officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors”


For a specific item such as a piece of antique furniture, or your house.

EG: In this case, the following instructions would be needed:

“I give to World Prayer Centre of PO Box 17971, Birmingham B2 2NY, Registered Charity number 1072222 my (description of property) absolutely for its general purposes, and I direct that the receipt(s) of the Director of Finance or the other duly authorized officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors”


For what remains of your estate once family and friends have benefitted and debts have been cleared.
EG: The following instructions would be needed in your Will:

“I give all (or a share) of the residue of my estate to World Prayer Centre of PO Box 17971, Birmingham B2 2NY, Registered Charity number 1072222, the sum of £______ and I direct that the receipt(s) of the Director of Finance or the other duly authorized officer shall be sufficient discharge to my executors”


If you give more than 10% of your estate to charity a reduced rate of Inheritance Tax will apply if your estate is liable to tax. 

We do strongly recommend that you discuss your Will with a solicitor to make sure that your wishes are clearly set out and anyone else properly provided for. 

If you would like a confidential chat to discuss making a Will in more detail please do call us on 0121 633 7393.

I would like to leave a legacy to WPC

We appreciate that putting a charity in your Will is a private decision. But please do tell us if you have decided to leave a legacy gift to WPC, not because we need to know, but because it is a great encouragement to the team.


167 Newhall Street,
Birmingham, B3 1SW




0121 633 7393