The 2023 World Weekend of Prayer for vulnerable children will unite hundreds of thousands of people across the world in prayer.
The theme this year is ‘God’s world: our home’. The very first sentence of the Bible says, “In the beginning God.” Before time, God is “I AM”. It is God who brings order out of chaos and creates the universe. He sets men and women on the earth and commands them to care for it together.
The theme for the World Weekend of Prayer 2023 recognises that we live in God’s creation: he has made it our wonderful home to look after. It is a beautiful home in which we have a duty to work together to deliver comfort, security and love for the children of this era and the generation to come.
Our prayers at this year’s event will focus on praise for God’s creation, for actions to care for creation and for interventions together to support children most impacted by the decay of creation, a decay that works through our human failings.
For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. Romans 8:19