What are you thankful for?
For nearly 50 years, Prisons Week has encouraged Christians to pray for all those affected by crime and imprisonment. The Samaritan leper in Luke 17, inspires us all to seek what he was amazed to find when returning to thank Jesus for his healing … a new beginning.
Our recent campaigns have moved us, like him, from loneliness and despair to hope. And now, like him, we also return with gratitude. So, what are you thankful for?
Conceived, directed and produced by Spread Creative.
Prisons Week wants to see an end to the human suffering caused by crime and imprisonment – for all those affected.
We believe that faith moves mountains, and that prayer moves God. We also believe that when we pray with faith God often moves us to be the answer to those prayers.
And so we gather together churches and organisations from across the Christian community to issue a call to prayer for change where change is needed.
And we do this through a week-long campaign each October with print and digital resources, social channels, events and media appearances.
Prisons Week is organised and run by 25 organisations that come together twice each year as a Board of Reference, and the smaller Working Groups who meet monthly to deliver the annual call-to-prayer campaigns.
Prisons Week sits alongside the Church to provide information, expertise, resources and encouragement for this particular area of ministry that individual churches are unlikely to have ‘in house’. We also provide a sense of community for those with a passion for this ministry – a place where they can feel part of a bigger ‘whole’.
Typically, each year, we produce an advertising poster and prayer leaflet based on the campaign’s theme that maps out each day’s thoughts and prayers. We also produce a film to support and promote the campaign.
Additionally we have this website, our social media channels and faith networks through which we spread the word.
It is our hope that when people pray they will be moved, as we are, to get involved. And that the organisations that support Prisons Week represent the very best place to start.