The Rural City of God
We are delighted to be bringing the Hope Countryside prayer gathering to the North East this March. The day will be a great opportunity for everyone to meet and connect with others in the region who are involved with, or interested in, matters relating to rural life, church and mission, and farming and the land.
Our theme for the day is The Rural City of God. The principle common factor of the Garden of Eden, the Tabernacle, the Temple, the people of God and the New Jerusalem, is the presence and dominion of God. As we eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ, we are called to proclaim and to demonstrate the gospel of His Kingdom. The idea of ‘the rural city of God’ is to explore what this proclaiming and demonstrating looks like in the rural context.
To help us do this, we have a number of people who will speak about their contexts; how they are proclaiming and demonstrating, what they have learnt and what they see ahead. This will help us to pray and see practically how we can all partner together to see His Kingdom come.