You are invited to join the Hope Countryside partnership for a ‘day on the farm’, when, through presentations, conversations and prayer, we shall consider the ‘provision and presence of the Lord in rural Britain’.
The morning session will open with praise, prayer and introductions. We shall then explore God’s ‘provision’ in and through the countryside. The Lord provides our material needs through His creation (Genesis 1:29, 9:3; Psalms 65:9-13, 104:14-15). Farmers cooperate with the Creator (Genesis 2:15; Psalm 104:14; James 5:7) to provide for both our sustenance and our enjoyment (Psalm 104:15). In the UK, and across the world, farming has been going through tremendous turbulence, due both to weather and climate and to the global economy and public policy. Through presentations and breakout groups, we shall examine these phenomena in the light of biblical principles and prophecy, and ask how we should pray and act in response.
Over a picnic lunch, there will be time for conversation and fellowship, followed by an optional guided farm walk or time just to be quiet.
The afternoon session will open with a time of prayer for the issues and concerns raised in the morning. We shall then go on to consider our second theme of ‘presence’. The Lord is present in the countryside through His creation and His people, who are called to be lights in the darkness and to reach out with His love and the Gospel message. We shall hear both about the work of organisations, like Rural Missions and Arthur Rank Centre, that support existing rural churches in their mission and ministry, and about new pioneering, ‘grass-roots’ initiatives beyond current church institutions and structures. There will be opportunities for others to share their own experiences and vision – in breakout groups and a final plenary session.
The afternoon will conclude with a review of what we have learned and then time to listen and pray, before a final summing up and a closing time of prayer and worship. The day will end with tea and cake!