CARE is standing alongside our friends and partners at the Christian Medical Fellowship (CMF), Evangelical Alliance, The Christian Institute and Affinity in calling people to pray about assisted suicide bill.
The day for prayer is Tuesday 25 March 2025. We are asking you to put aside some time that day, whether alone, with family or friends, or at church, to pray about the Assisted Suicide Bill. We’ll also be meeting together online at 12:00 to Pray for Politics and focusing on assisted suicide. For more information and ways to join, click here.
As you will know, Kim Leadbeater introduced her Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill with the aim of legalising assisted suicide for any adult in England and Wales who has a terminal illness and six months or less to live.
That Bill passed its Second Reading in the House of Commons in November last year by 330-275 votes on what was a dark day for our nation.
Since then, the Bill has been before a Committee where MPs have been scrutinising it line by line. Not only is the Committee stacked in favour of the Bill, but reasonable amendments have been routinely rejected.
Ms Leadbeater has also scrapped one of the most significant safeguards in the Bill when she announced High Court Judges would no longer be involved in scrutinising assisted suicide requests.
MPs will vote again on the Bill at Third Reading which we expect to be late April or May. This, realistically, represents the last chance to stop this dangerous Bill becoming law. All that is needed is for 30 MPs to change their minds.
We know God can move hearts and minds. He calls us to pray and bring our requests and desires to him. Will you therefore take some time to pray that the Assisted Suicide Bill is defeated?
You might want to consider the following:
- Pray for MPs who have already voted no to this Bill that they might turn up at Third Reading and vote no again.
- Pray for MPs who are currently wavering that the Lord would direct them to voting against this legislation.
- Pray for organisations like CARE working to stop this Bill from becoming law.
- Pray that the God who has a heart for vulnerable people would show mercy to the frailest in our communities and protect them from this proposed legislation.
- Give thanks for the wide range of organisations – Christian and non-Christian – who are opposing this Bill.
Thank you so much for your partnership with us.