Protect your mind from negativity

Protect your mind from negativity

When we look at the world, there is so much negativity. Natasha Ruddock shares how it is important to protect our minds in this season.

The other morning, I was waiting with some time on my hands so I thought I would check what is happening in the news.   I scrolled through and it highlighted the front pages of all the UK newspapers. Every headline was negative – war, death, economy failing, you name it, it was all on the front pages. Where was any positive news? No wonder that many are struggling with poor mental health. The bible tells us to rejoice always in good and bad times. I don’t watch the news anymore as I need to protect my mind. We need some good news in our lives!

It is in our nature to be negative.  70-75% of our thoughts are negative. Negativity is a tendency to be downbeat, disagreeable and skeptical. It’s a pessimistic attitude that always expects the worst. Negative outcomes are bad outcomes, like losing a game, getting a disease, suffering an injury, or getting something stolen.

The Bible teaches us to avoid negative attitudes and actions. Philippians 4:8 tells us to focus on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable. This means filling our minds with good thoughts instead of bad ones.

This can be hard when people come to us with their problems for advice. This can be very draining unless we have the antidote. 1 John 4:18 shows us that God’s perfect love is the antidote to negative thoughts, and fear is driven out by perfect love.

The devil loves negativity, and God loves positivity.  Satan does not want us to enjoy our lives so he sows negativity and fear in any way he can.  We have to work really hard at changing our mindset to positive thoughts.

Psalm 118: 10-21 is a great psalm for combating negativity.  “But I destroyed them all with the authority of the Lord. He has given us victory.” The battle is always for our minds. Because what you think influences what manifests.

So, we have to take every thought captive. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says, “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”  We need to have the mind of Christ and always try to look on the positive side. 

We can get stuck in our circumstances because of our mentality.  When we change our perspective or mindset, God can release the breakthrough or the blessing.  We need to put on the mind of Christ daily.

Let us cast off any negative things that the enemy may be using to wear us down in this season and encourage ourselves in the Lord. Let’s put on the mind of Christ daily and start to declare positivity and truth.

If you are going through a battle don’t surround yourself with people, news or situations that are negativity. Get grounded in the word of God and meditate on things that will reinforce positivity, and surround yourself with positive Godly people.

Pray: Do you know someone who is struggling with negativity or mental health issues? Pray for them today to seek things that are positive and for them to find out about Jesus and all that knowing Him can give.

Natasha Ruddock is the Communications Manager at the World Prayer Centre. She is married to Colin and they are the Senior leaders of Victory Outreach Church Birmingham.

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