A Call from Heaven is being issued for the UK Church to return to the Altar.
On Friday 8th March, the National Day of Prayer and Worship will be launching it’s Year of Prayer and Fasting. We are inviting Christians to join us for a special Gathering at City Gates Church in Ilford from 7.00pm. This will be preceded by a Leaders Launch at 12noon on that same day.
In both meetings, Pastor Jonathan will be issuing a call to the UK Church. There will also be Worship and times of ministry to respond.
We would love to invite any believer with a passion for prayer to join us at 7.00pm and invite their Leaders to the 12noon Leaders Lunch!
This is a National Day of Prayer and Worship event in Collaboration with the Churches of Ilford to take London Street by Street as a united army armed with the Gospel, Fasting and Prayer.
Here is the details of the venue:
City Gates Ilford
25-29 Clements Road
Ilford IG1 1BH
Put the date in your diary now – bookings for the Leaders Lunch and Evening Celebration will open soon!